Our Payment Methods
DomainCity offers several different convenient payment methods:
DomainCity offers several different convenient payment methods:
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, cards are accepted. Please note the following transaction fees will apply:
You can pay via Direct Deposit using your internet banking. For more information see Internet Banking Instructions below.
For International Swift Transfers a $25 NZD transaction fee will apply.
Promotion Code Vouchers issued by DomainCity can be used for part or full payment of your service. Please note that vouchers can only be used once unless specified otherwise and any unused portion of the value of a voucher will be forfeited.
To pay for your service by internet banking, you will need to use your banks online internet banking website to transfer your payment to DomainCity.
Please click on the link below to go to your banks website. Only those banks linked have been confirmed as able to make valid payments to DomainCity.